Visit Mosteiros

The Mosteiros of Cape Verde, located on the western part of the archipelago, are a beautiful and historical area with a rich culture and breathtaking views. Tourists can explore the cobblestone streets, visit one of the many old churches and chapels in town, or take a boat to one of its nearby islands.

One great spot to visit is Santa Maria Island, where visitors can take in stunning views from the top of its surrounding cliffs. Nearby is Praia da Luz (or Beach of Light), where you can relax on one of its picturesque white sand beaches while looking out over crystal blue waters.

A unique historical fact about this region is that it was once an important stopover point for whaling ships during the 19th century as they headed south along their trade route. The local economy boomed as whalers came through seeking supplies and repairs before continuing their journey - an interesting reminder of how shipping activities have shaped Cape Verde's past!

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