Visit Sal

The Sal of Cape Verde is a stunning archipelago of 10 islands off the western coast of Africa. It is renowned for its beautiful white-sand beaches, crystal clear waters, and lush landscapes. The largest island in the archipelago is Santa Maria, which has many tourist attractions to explore including its salt flats, popular surf spots, and vibrant nightlife.

Another great place to visit on Sal is Espargos - the capital city located on Ilha do Sal. Here you can experience traditional Cape Verdian culture through music and dance performances in local restaurants and bars as well as take part in cultural workshops such as woodworking or pottery making.

Finally don't forget to check out Cidade Velha - the oldest European settlement in Sub-Saharan Africa dating back to 1462! This historical city was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site due to its architecture and monuments preserving Portuguese colonial heritage from 500 years ago.

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Worth visiting

Cities in Sal
