Visit Batha Region

The Batha Region of Chad is an area of rich history and culture. Located in the center of the country, it consists of 11 provinces, including N'Djamena, the capital. Tourists can explore landmarks such as the Grand Mosque and Zaghawa Palace, or visit a traditional market to sample delicious food and shop for artisan goods. Nature lovers will be delighted by Lake Fitri National Park where they can observe wildlife such as hippos and elephants.

Batha also boasts a fascinating past; it was home to many kingdoms during its long history including Kanem-Bornu Empire from 1380 - 1893 which was one of Africa's oldest empires. It is also known for its involvement in the slave trade during this period which saw thousands transported across the Sahara Desert to North African cities like Tripoli and Cairo. Today, visitors can explore these ancient sites to gain an insight into local traditions.

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Cities in Batha Region

Ati, Oum Hadjer