Visit Logone Occidental Region

The Logone Occidental Region is located in the southwestern corner of Chad, bordering Cameroon and Nigeria. This region is one of the most diverse areas in Chad, with its flat plains, rolling hills, thick forests and bustling markets. It is home to an eclectic array of cultures and traditions, including Maba peoples, Musgum people and Arabs.

One popular tourist destination in this region is the holiday resort town of Baro-baro. Located along Lake Chad's western shoreline, this area offers beautiful scenery as well as a variety of outdoor activities such as swimming and fishing. Nearby are also popular archaeological sites like Essele Teria site which was once a powerful trading post for gold during ancient times.

Another must-see place here is the small city of Kawa Ngala where visitors can find traditional African crafts like pottery sculptures or handwoven basketry. Besides these two places there are several national parks worth visiting such as Ennedi National Park that has breathtaking sandstone archways and dramatic gorges; perfect spots for nature lovers!

Moreover it's interesting to note that Logone Occidental Region was one of the main battlefields during World War I when French troops were fighting against German colonial forces under General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck's command from 1916 to 1917 .

Popular cities

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Cities in Logone Occidental Region

Beïnamar, Moundou, Benoy