Visit Maule


The Maule region of Chile is located in the central part of the country, stretching from the Pacific coast to the Andes mountains. It is known for its natural beauty, with lush forests, rolling hills and vineyards spread throughout.

The capital city of Talca is worth a visit for its museums and historical sites. Other tourist attractions include Pichidegua with its thermal springs and ancient petroglyphs, Curanipe with its picturesque beach bays, and Linares for its typical Chilean food.

Maule has a rich history that dates back to prehistoric times. The indigenous people who inhabited this area before Spanish colonization were called Huilliches and their influence can still be seen in the local culture today through their traditional art forms like weaving and sculpture making. In modern times, Maule played an important role in Chile's independence movement as it was home to Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme who was one of the leaders of this struggle against Spain.