Visit Valverde Province

The Valverde Province is located in the northwest at the foot of the Cordillera Central mountains in the Dominican Republic. It has a rich history, as it is home to many sites from pre-Columbian settlements. Valverde offers remarkable tourist attractions, including its vibrant culture and nature reserves such as Parque Nacional Sierra de Bahoruco.

To explore this charming province, visitors can visit Loma Quita Espuela National Park where they can enjoy amazing views of pine tree forests and luxuriant vegetation. Another popular attraction is El Salto del Limon Waterfall, which drops over 600 feet into a beautiful lagoon with crystal clear waters.

A must-visit historical site in Valverde is Montecristi Museum which preserves artifacts from prehistoric cultures like La Taina and Taino Indian settlements. In addition, Montecristi was also home to former Dominican president Juan Bosch who declared independence for the country in 1863 during an uprising against Spanish colonization.

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Cities in Valverde Province

Amina, Guatapanal, Esperanza, Mao, Laguna Salada, Jaibón, Maizal, Jicomé