Visit Los Ríos

932.6 thousand

The Los Rios province is located in the central region of Ecuador. It is bounded by the Provinces of Bolivar and Guayas to the north, El Oro Province to the south, Manabi Province to the west, and Sucumbios Province to the east. The capital city of Los Rios is Babahoyo.

Los Rios is rich with natural beauty and culture, making it a desirable tourist destination. One popular place for visitors to explore is Rio Blanco Reserve, which features a variety of ecosystems such as cloud forests and mangroves. Other must-see attractions include Parque Nacional Cajas, where visitors can enjoy its vast mountain lakes surrounded by lush vegetation.

A historically significant place in Los Rios worth visiting is La Casa de la Cultura de Babahoyo, which has become an important cultural center that educates locals about agriculture production methods and encourages artistic activities like music workshops through its many programs. Additionally, during colonial times this area was part of what was commonly known as 'the Bishopric' following an agreement between The King Charles III of Spain and Pope Clement XIV on July 17th 1767; this agreement gave religious authority over this territory until 1819 when Ecuador declared independence from Spanish rule.

Cities in Los Ríos

Quevedo, Babahoyo, Vinces, Ventanas, Montalvo