Visit Morona Santiago

200.7 thousand

Morona Santiago is a province located in the south of Ecuador, part of the Amazon region. It has a population of around 184,000 and its capital is Macas. Being near the equator, it has warm weather all year round with an average temperature of 26degC (79degF).

Morona Santiago offers many outdoor activities for travelers looking for adventure such as wildlife watching, horseback riding, kayaking or trekking in remote areas. There are also many tourist attractions such as the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve where visitors can explore pristine rainforest and observe a wide variety of animals and plants; or El Pangui lake which is well-known for its unique landscapes that embrace lagoons, rivers and waterfalls.

On August 10th 1858 Morona Santiago was declared an independent Republic by Antonio Jose Holguin who fought against Spanish colonizers during Ecuador's Independence War; this event made him one of the important figures in his province's history.

Popular cities

Worth visiting

Cities in Morona Santiago

Macas, Yaupi