Visit Anseba Region

Anseba is a province of Eritrea located in the western part of the country. It is bordered by Gash-Barka, as well as Sudan and the Red Sea. The province is known for its stunning landscapes, with mountains and desert plains, along with lush green areas.

When visiting Anseba, be sure to take some time to explore Keren City. This ancient city dates back to the 12th century and contains many historical sites such as castles and mosques. Another popular destination in Anseba is Nakfa Town - home to an archaeological museum and some impressive monuments from both past civilisations that have flourished here throughout history.

For those interested in learning more about this area's fascinating history, it's worth noting that Anseba was once part of Ethiopia's Tigray Region during Ottoman rule in the 15th century. In later years this region became known as 'Aksumite' after it was taken over by Emperor Yohannes IV of Ethiopia in 1880s before ultimately becoming a part of modern day Eritrea after independence from Ethiopia was declared in 1991.

Popular cities

Worth visiting

Cities in Anseba Region
