Visit Gambela Region

Gambela Region is located in the far southwest corner of Ethiopia, bordering South Sudan. It is a sparsely populated region with many different ethnicities and cultures living together. Gambela is renowned for its diverse bird species, making it a great spot for bird watching and wildlife safaris. The Baro River runs through Gambela, offering beautiful scenery as well as opportunities to fish and boat.

One of the most popular tourist attractions in Gambela is Abobo National Park, which has come to be known as "the last Eden" due to its abundance of wild animals and birds. Another must-see spot is Abaya National Wildlife Reserve, where visitors can observe elephants, cheetahs, antelopes, hyenas and more unique wildlife.

An interesting historical fact about the area is that Ancient Greek historian Herodotus mentioned it by name in his writings around 440 BC - he was the first historian to record that there were inhabitants living beyond Egypt's frontier at that time!

Popular cities

Worth visiting

Other places in Gambela Region

Gambella National Park

Cities in Gambela Region
