Discover Pontoise
Visitors to Pontoise can explore its beautiful countryside by taking part in outdoor activities such as hiking on local trails or canoeing along the Oise River. The city's old town district offers numerous shops, restaurants, cafes and galleries to browse through. The lively market square filled with locals selling fresh produce provides an excellent place for sampling regional specialties like Crevettes Grises (gray shrimp). For those looking for more cultural experiences, there are plenty of museums filled with works from past masters like Pissarro and Claude Monet to discover.
Users' favorites
Le Rail, Burger king, The Reptile Farm, La Porte Ouverte • Cergy, Cocorest, Sarl Lorenzo, NOVOTEL, Le Longchamp, Le Pacific Rock Concert 95, Tour de la Fontaine d'Amour, Herdanza 3D Shop, Axe Majeur - 12eme Station, portique du carrefour de Ham
Latest updates
Le Rail, Office De Tourisme, Noor Mahal, Formule 1, Plancha Grill, Saveurs Gourmandes, Campanille, Bibliothèque Départementale Du Val D'Oise, Le Petit Bistrot, La Route Du Kashmir, Cdi / Prieuré, Santa Marina, Musée Tavet Delacour, Le Carré Patrimoine, L'Apostrophe, Le Dôme, Musée Camille Pissarro, Go Park