Discover La Rochelle
The harbor area is a vibrant place with plenty of yachts, ferries and fishing boats ready to take visitors on trips around the bay or across the Atlantic Ocean. There are several parks and plazas where people can enjoy some leisure time outdoors, including Place de Verdun or Place du Marche Central.
To experience some of La Rochelle's culture, visitors should explore Vieux Port ("Old Port") and its many shops, including art galleries and gourmet stores selling local delicacies such as foie gras or oysters freshly harvested from nearby estuaries. For an unforgettable view over the cityscape at night, travelers can climb up one of La Rochelle's towers for a panoramic view over the illuminated bay area.
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Association Culturelle Islamique de la Charente-Maritime, Église Saint-Philibert, Chapelle Sainte-Famille, Chapelle Notre-Dame de l'Espérance, Paroisse St Jean Baptiste, Prieuré Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption, Babylon, Église Saint-Pierre, 1 Appart, Stade municipal la fontaine, Le Marigny, Saint Jean dAcre Hotel
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Ginger, Snack Rochelais, Les Gens De Mer, Galanga, Le Jean Bart, Musée Des Modèles Réduits, La Goul'Beun Aise, Comédie La Rochelle, Mc Nulty'S, Cinéma Méga Cgr, Le Petit Prince, Cyclopousse, Ze'Bar, Toto Pizz, La Sirène, Médiathèque D'Agglomération Michel-Crépeau, Aquarium De La Rochelle, La Trinquette