Visit Huehuetenango

1.2 million

The Huehuetenango of Guatemala is an indigenous group located in the far western region of the country. This area is said to be one of the most beautiful and diverse in Guatemala, boasting stunning mountain scenery and a variety of colorful flora and fauna. It is also home to numerous interesting cultural sites, some dating back thousands of years.

One popular tourist destination in Huehuetenango is the town of Chiantla. The main attraction here is an impressive colonial-era church built on top of an ancient Mayan ruin. Visitors can explore both parts for a unique perspective on local history and culture.

Archaeological evidence suggests that Huehuetenango has been populated by various indigenous groups since at least 2500 BC, making it one of the oldest continuously inhabited areas in Central America. Even today, many locals speak different languages such as Mam and Tz'utujil, two languages thought to have been around since pre-Columbian times.