Visit Petén

545.6 thousand

The Peten is a region in northern Guatemala, home to the ancient Mayan city of Tikal. Its vast jungles and impressive archaeological sites make it one of Central America's most exciting tourist destinations.

In addition to Tikal, visitors can explore other fascinating Mayan ruins such as Yaxha, El Mirador and Uaxactun. Nature enthusiasts will find plenty to explore in the region's lush rainforest reserves, with its diverse wildlife and stunning flora.

For those looking for an unforgettable experience, a boat trip along the Usumacinta River offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and forests.

The Peten also has a rich history - it was once home to several powerful Mayan city-states before their collapse around 900 AD. Today, this ancient civilization is remembered through impressive pyramids and monuments scattered throughout the region.