Visit Quinara

Quinara is a region located at the westernmost tip of Guinea-Bissau. It borders two other countries: Senegal and Guinea-Conakry. The area is known for its diverse flora, fauna, and landscapes with flat plains surrounded by hills and mountains in the borderlands.

One prominent tourist attraction in Quinara is the Reserva Natural do Orango National Park. This park contains some of the last remaining primary forests in West Africa, with a variety of wildlife including primates, reptiles, birds, and fish. Another must-see site is the Fortaleza de Sao Jose da Amura which dates back to 1792 when it was used as part of Portugal's defense system against attacks from pirates or other enemies. Today this fort has been restored to its former glory and serves as a great history lesson for visitors about Portuguese colonization in Guinea-Bissau.

An interesting historical fact about Quinara is that it was once an important part of the West African trading route known as "The Road of Salt" or Rustler's Track which connected merchants from present day Senegal to Gambia via land routes through inland villages like those found within Quinara province today!

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