Visit Barima-Waini

The Barima-Waini is a region of Guyana located in the northwest part of the country along the border with Venezuela. This sparsely populated area covers over 6,200 square miles and is renowned for its lush forests, wild rivers and untouched savannas.

The perfect destination for nature lovers, Barima-Waini offers diverse wildlife, including jaguars, river otters and sloths. There are also plenty of opportunities to explore local culture through visits to small villages and traditional indigenous communities.

A great place to start your Barima-Waini adventure is Kwebanna Hilltop Eco Lodge. Here visitors can experience the stunning views from atop a 200 foot mesa while learning about sustainable farming practices from local experts. Another must see attraction is Kaieteur Falls - one of South America's highest single drop waterfalls accessible only by air or boat which makes it an unforgettable experience.

The Barima-Waini is steeped in history as well; in 1813 it was here that Dutch forces attempted to retake control of Essequibo from the British during what became known as The Second War of Independence in Guyana's history books.

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