Visit Bangka Belitung Islands

The Bangka Belitung Islands of Indonesia is a hidden gem, located off the east coast of Sumatra. The islands are known for their pristine beaches and stunning coral reefs, making them a perfect beach holiday destination. Tourists can explore the many small fishing villages scattered throughout the islands, or visit some of the popular tourist areas such as Tanjung Pandan and Mentawai Islands.

One must-see attraction in Bangka Belitung is Lake Laut Tawar, a natural lake with crystal clear waters surrounded by mangrove forests. Here visitors can take part in activities such as swimming, canoeing, birdwatching and trekking. For those seeking to learn more about local history and culture, there are plenty of museums to explore including one dedicated solely to tin mining industry which was once essential to the economy of these islands.

An interesting historical fact about this region is that during colonial times it was part of Dutch East Indies trading network which brought coffee from Java and pepper from Sumatra here for further trade with Europe and Asia.