Visit Maluku

Maluku is a province of Indonesia that lies between Sulawesi and Papua. It was once known as the Moluccas, or 'Spice Islands' due to the high number of spices that can be found there. Home to over 3 million people, Maluku is a scenic region with plenty to discover.

For those looking for sun and sand, Tulehu beach should be top on your list! Located close to Ambon City, it offers white sandy beaches and beautiful clear waters perfect for swimming or snorkeling. For an even more unique experience explore Saparua Island which was home in part of the 16th century corsairs; you can still visit their fortifications today!

The history of Maluku stretches back even further than that however; it is believed by some archaeologists that it was populated over 50,000 years ago - making it one of the oldest provinces in Indonesia!

Popular cities

Worth visiting

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Cities in Maluku

Ambon, Tual, Amahai