Visit Sulawesi Selatan

Sulawesi Selatan is a province in Indonesia located at the southern tip of Sulawesi island. It is bordered by Central Sulawesi to the north, West Sulawesi to the west, and South East Sulawesi to the east. The capital of this province is Makassar, situated on its east coast.

The province offers visitors a variety of experiences ranging from cultural attractions like Toraja villages to stunning natural wonders such as Makassar Strait and Bantimurung Waterfall. Tourists should not miss out on visiting Fort Rotterdam and Losari Beach for sure. Fort Rotterdam was built in 1667 by Bugis-Makassar ruler Sultan Hasanudin who wanted it as a symbol for Makassar's glory while Losari Beach provides an unobstructed view of seaside scenery with its white sandy beach perfect for sunbathing or swimming.

An interesting historical fact about Sulawesi Selatan Province is that it was once known as Ujung Pandang during Dutch colonial rule before being renamed after Indonesian independence in 1945.

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Cities in Sulawesi Selatan

Parepare, Watampone, Pinrang, Palopo, Makale, Makassar