Visit Sulawesi Tenggara

Sulawesi Tenggara, also known as South-East Sulawesi, is a province of Indonesia located in the eastern part of Sulawesi. This region is home to some of the country's best beaches and coral reefs, making it an ideal destination for tourists. Popular tourist attractions include Wakatobi National Park, an archipelago made up of four main islands surrounded by crystal clear blue waters; and Bau Bau City which offers mesmerizing views of its coastal scenery. Furthermore, this area is enriched with history as it was once inhabited by seafaring traders throughout centuries going back to the 13th century Chinese Ming Dynasty era which has left behind many historical artifacts in the region. All these things make South-East Sulawesi a great place to explore Indonesia's beauty and culture at the same time!

Popular cities

Worth visiting

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Cities in Sulawesi Tenggara

Baubau, Kendari