Visit Zanjan Province

1.1 million

Zanjan Province is located in northwest Iran and is one of the 31 provinces of the country. It borders on Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Iraq. The capital city is Zanjan, which was historically part of the ancient Silk Road route.

The province has a rich culture and history. Tourists visiting Zanjan can explore amazing sites such as Soltanieh Dome, an ancient mausoleum built by Ilkhanid dynasty in the early 14th century; or Rakhtshooy Khaneh Museum, a public bathhouse dating back to Qajar Dynasty that now houses exhibits related to Zanjani culture like local textiles and jewelry.

For historical buffs, there are many noteworthy sites including Gheisarieh Bazaar Complex or Ganjali Khan Complex both from Safavid era; Seyed Hamze Shrine complex dating back to 12th century; and Sorkheh Hessar Castle from Seljuq era.

In addition to its unique architecture, Zanjan region is also known for its hospitality and delicious traditional food like Ash-e Reshteh soup or Baghala Ghatogh made with fava beans and dill herbs.

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Cities in Zanjan Province

Zanjān, Khorramdarreh, Soltaniyeh, Abhar, Alvand