Visit Lombardy
10.1 million
The region is known for its stunning views, beautiful countryside, and delicious cuisine that includes freshwater fish from Lake Como and Valtellina's famous bresaola. Lombardy also offers many tourist sites to visit such as Milan's Duomo di Milano, a magnificent cathedral; Santa Maria delle Grazie Monastery which features da Vinci's mural painting "The Last Supper"; Bergamo's Venetian walls; Verona's Arena di Verona amphitheatre; and Pavia University which was founded in 1361 by Emperor Charles IV as one of Europe's first universities.
One interesting historical fact about this region dates back to 1476 when Italian poet-statesman Francesco Petrarch became the first person to be crowned with a laurel wreath on Easter Sunday in Pavia Cathedral - an event that symbolized humanism and freedom from feudalism during the Renaissance period.
Popular cities
Worth visiting
Cities in Lombardy
Milan, Como, Menaggio, Stresa, Tremezzo, Urgnano, Sirmione, Musso, Pagazzano, Villongo, Melzo, Cantello, Cremeno, Solza, Credera, Sergnano, Pognano, Rotta, Pieve, Morazzone, Torno, Piuro, Malegno, Sacca, San Zenone al Po, Belforte, Lurano, San Fedele Superiore, Cuasso al Monte, Eremo, Cologno al Serio, Palidano, Negrone, Sirone, Volongo, Cimbro, Colorina, Dello, Cercino, Tartano, Pedesina, Valtorta, Crema, Casaletto Vaprio, Revere, Costa de' Nobili, Filago, Ceresara, Marmentino, Endine, Rognano, Forcola, Roncola, Cuggiono, Sangiano, Pietra de' Giorgi, Flero, Pavia, Ello, Montano ...