Visit Kōchi

Kochi is a vibrant prefecture located in the Shikoku region of Japan. With a unique culture and stunning natural landscapes, it is one of the most sought-after destinations in the country. Kochi has plenty of tourist attractions to offer, from breathtaking mountains and beaches to traditional Japanese temples.

A must-see attraction in Kochi is Katsurahama Beach, a beautiful sandy beach with stunning views of the Pacific Ocean. The iconic statue of Sakamoto Ryoma overlooks the shoreline, making for a great photo opportunity. Visitors can also enjoy various activities such as surfing or diving at nearby locations like Cape Ashizuri or Muroto Cape.

Kochi's rich history can be experienced by visiting its many museums and monuments such as Tosa Clan Historical Museum and Chikurinji temple, which offers spectacular views over Kochi City. A unique historical fact about Kochi is that it was once known as Tosa Province during the Edo period; it was only changed to Kochi after World War II ended in 1945!

Cities in Kōchi

Kōchi, Tosashimizu