Visit Marsabit County

Marsabit County is located in the Northern Rift Valley of Kenya, which is an area full of natural beauty. It borders Ethiopia to the north and Lake Turkana to the east. Marsabit County is known for its unique culture and wildlife, including endangered species such as Grevy's Zebra. It has a variety of landscapes ranging from desert to lush forests, and many breathtaking views.

The town of Marsabit offers visitors a chance to explore its rich cultural heritage with traditional homes made from stone and mud, interesting markets selling local produce, and scenic lakeside walks. Jera Castle near Lake Paradise is also an interesting place to visit - it was built by Sultan Jera in 1928 out of volcanic rocks and limestone blocks still stands today! Alternatively Loiyangalani on the shores of Lake Turkana offers a range of activities such as camel rides along the dunes or snorkelling in crystal clear waters over ancient coral reefs.

An interesting historical fact about Marsabit County is that prior to colonization it was inhabited by numerous nomadic tribes who had established trading routes through the region for centuries - making it an important hub for commerce between northern Kenya and Ethiopia during this time period.

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Cities in Marsabit County

Moyale, Marsabit