Visit Migori County

Migori County is situated in the Nyanza region of southwestern Kenya, bordering Tanzania to the south. It has a population of 1.2 million people and is known for its rich cultural heritage, peaceful environment and abundance of natural resources.

The county offers many tourist attractions that draw visitors from around the world. The most popular sights are the Ruma National Park, where you can visit herds of giraffes, zebras and buffalos; and Leopard Rock National Monument--a fascinating site with ancient rock formations shaped by centuries of wind erosion.

For those interested in history, there are many interesting places to explore in Migori County as well. The Migingo Island Museum showcases artifacts from ancient fishing settlements dating back to 500 BC; while nearby Kuria Hills have evidence left behind by San Bushmen who lived there 8,000 years ago!

A trip to Migori County is sure to be a memorable one!

Popular cities

Worth visiting

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Cities in Migori County

Migori, Kihancha