Visit Deçan

Decan of Kosovo is a picturesque town located in the southwestern part of the country. It's known for its stunning views, vibrant streets and rich history. The Decan Monastery is one of Kosovo's top tourist attractions and it's a must-see if you're visiting the area. This medieval monastic complex was built in 1327 by Serbian King Stefan Decanski and it is considered to be one of the finest examples of Byzantine architecture in Europe.

Another popular place to visit is Visoki Decani, which has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO due to its well-preserved medieval frescoes. Other interesting sights include old houses with red tiled roofs, cobblestone alleys, Ottoman bridges and small churches scattered throughout the countryside.

For those looking for an interesting historical fact about this region: In 1766, Decan suffered severe damage when Austrian forces attacked during the Austro-Turkish War of 1788-1791. The town was eventually freed from Austrian rule after several hard fought battles but it wasn't until 1825 that it regained its independence from both Austria and Turkey following diplomatic negotiations between Serbia and Turkey's sultan Mahmud II.

Cities in Deçan
