Visit Lipjan

The Lipjan of Kosovo are a municipality located in the Pristina District. It is home to about 44,000 people and is known for its rich cultural heritage. The municipality of Lipjan has many tourist attractions such as the 18th century grand mosque located in the village center, and the archaeological site at Donja Barbarija which includes ruins from Roman and Byzantine times.

Visitors can also explore Gjurakovc Fortress, built around 1580 by Ottoman Empire ruler Sokollu Mehmed-Pasha. Tourists can enjoy Albanian traditional dishes such as burek (a type of pastry filled with onions or meat) served in local restaurants throughout Lipjan.

An interesting historical fact about Lipjan is that it was once part of Serbia before becoming part of Kosovo after World War II. This area has been inhabited since ancient times due to its strategic location on the Ibar River, between Kosovo's two largest cities - Prishtina and Ferizaj. Today, Lipjan remains an important cultural centre in Kosovo with a variety of cultural activities taking place all year round including festivals honoring Saint George Orthodox Church - one of the oldest churches in this area built 700 years ago!

Cities in Lipjan
