Discover Vaduz
For outdoor enthusiasts there are plenty of activities on offer including hiking trails around nearby mountains and ski resorts in winter. One can also visit hiking trails along River Rhein or kayak down it during summer months. And if you're looking for some shopping opportunities then you won't be disappointed - Vaduz offers everything from designer stores to quaint markets where you can find unique souvenirs that represent this lovely little country's culture and heritage.
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Users' favorites
Vaduz Castle, Wasserfall Rietli, Procha Burg, Schweizer-Brunnen, Aussichtsplattform Walderlebnispfad, Schatzkammer Liechtenstein, Cellars of the Prince of Liechtenstein, Kaserne Magletsch, Lokremise Buchs SG, Reica Fahrzeuge, Lova Center, Long John Apero Bar
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Vaduz Castle, Bruder Klaus Kirche Sevelen, Pfarkirche Triesen, Evangelisch-methodistische Kirche Sevelen, Evangelische Kirche, Pfarrkirche, Wasserfall Rietli, St. Florin Cathedral, "Hochsitz" (Städtle - Rathausplatz), Städtle Kreisverkehr, DoMus - Museum und Galerie der Gemeinde Schaan, Schatzkammer Liechtenstein, Ornithologischer Verein Buchs-Werdenberg, Procha Burg, Walser Museum, Kunstraum Engländerbau, St.-Mamerta-Kapelle, Greifvogelpark Buchs