Discover Arnhem
The city offers many attractions for travellers including a plethora of museums such as Museum Arnhem (modern and contemporary art), Open Air Museum (Dutch culture) and the Dutch Waterworks Museum. For those looking for outdoor activities, there are various parks to explore like Sonsbeekpark with its picturesque lake or Burgers' Zoo which has an array of animals from all over the world.
Arnhem also boasts an impressive range of shops from high street fashion to antique stores. For those looking for something unique they can visit one of several markets like Weggeefwinkel or Marktgebouw with their wide selection local produce and handcrafted items. Lastly, make sure you take some time to visit Hoog Catharijne Shopping Centre which is one largest shopping malls in Europe!
Users' favorites
Remonstrantse kerk, Nederlands Watermuseum, Vlindertuin en meditatieheuvel Arnhem, De Bredenberg, Park Sonsbeek, Netherlands Open Air Museum, Lichtenbeek, Vredebergkerk, Nieuw-Apostolische kerk, Stichting Versierde Eieren, Heikamp, Johannahoeve
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Kapel Sursum Corda, Islamitische Unie / Kulturele Stichting Arnhem, Adventkerk Arnhem, Sint-Eusebiuskerk, Nieuwe Kerk Arnhem, Nieuw-Apostolische kerk, Gereformeerde Gemeente Arnhem, Synagoge Arnhem, Oude Kerk, Bethel Pinksterkerk, Bernulphuskerk, Russisch Orthodoxe Kerk, Remonstrantse kerk, Bonifatiuskerk, St. Walburgisbasiliek, Sint-Martinus, Onze Lieve Vrouw en al Haar Engelen, Chinese Christelijke Gemeente Nederland