Visit Aiga-i-le-Tai

The Aiga-i-le-Tai are an influential and renowned tribe from the Samoan Islands. Renowned for their artistic knowledge, the Aiga-i-le-Tai have kept a rich culture alive for centuries. Tourists who come to visit the islands can experience a vibrant festival that includes traditional songs and dances, as well as exhibitions of traditional art and crafts such as weaving and wood carving.

For tourists looking to explore more of the Aiga's culture, Robert Louis Stevenson Museum is a great place to start. The museum offers visitors an insight into his life in Samoa, along with his writings about the island nation and its people. Another must-see spot is Piula Cave Pool, located at Salelologa on Savai'i Island. Here you will find crystal clear blue waters inside a massive limestone cave - perfect for swimming or just taking in all its natural beauty!

An interesting historical fact about this tribe is that they were one of only three tribes in Samoa to remain independent when Germany took over in 1900 - even after numerous attempts by German troops to subdue them failed! This impressive show of resilience has been commemorated ever since and serves as an inspiring reminder of their strength throughout history.

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