Visit Galguduud

Galguduud is a region located in the north-central part of Somalia. It is known for its fertile agricultural land, and its population of over 500,000 people from various clans. The capital city of Galguduud is Dhusamareeb, which is an important regional center for trade and education.

The region offers many tourist attractions such as the Godoomiyaha Cave, which was once used as a hideout by the Somali resistance during colonization. The cave has become an archaeological site with evidence of cultures dating back to 4th century BC when it was inhabited by Cushitic-speaking people. Another popular spot to visit in Galguduud is the Laas Gaal Neolithic Site that contains rock art paintings more than 10 thousand years old!

Galguduuds historical past also includes evidence of some ancient civilizations such as the Marghi who were believed to have settled there around 500 BC. These people have left behind mysterious stone structures that are thought to contain clues about their society and culture.

Overall Galgduudd provides visitors with a unique experience filled with fascinating archaeological sites and cultural attractions that tell stories about Somalis distant pasts.

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Cities in Galguduud

Dhuusamarreeb, Ceeldheer, Mereeg