Visit Galicia
When visiting Galicia, be sure to check out Santiago de Compostela--a UNESCO World Heritage site and major pilgrimage destination--or head over to Finisterre in the Costa da Morte region, which is said to be where ancient Celts believed that "the end of the world" began. There are plenty more cities, towns and villages worth exploring too!
One interesting fact about Galicia is that it was once an independent kingdom until 16th century when it was reincorporated into Spain. These days though, many people still maintain deep pride in their Celtic roots through music, dance and culture.
Popular cities
Worth visiting
Cities in Galicia
Allariz, Cenlle, Ferrol, Viveiro, O Grove, Culleredo, Cea, Ourense, Dozón, Porriño, Santiago de Compostela, Valga, Ordes, Carballo, Luintra, Bergondo, Corgo, Catoira, Silleda, Arteixo, Cerdido, Betanzos, Lousame, Carnota, Baiona, Moaña, Lobios, Chantada, Muros, A Estrada, Miño, Meis, Camariñas, Ares, Baralla, Mugia, Ambía, Celanova, Oia, Beade, Amés, A Rúa, Monfero, Cambre, Padrenda, Meira, Arbo, Laracha, Oroso, Rodeiro, Baltar, Manzaneda, Cambados, Bande, Curtis, Vilasantar, Paradela, Avión, Monterroso, Melón ...