Visit Al Jazirah

The Al Jazirah Region of Sudan is located in the centre of the country and covers an area of around 65,000 square kilometres. It consists of five cities - Shendi, Al Atbara, Ad-Damazin, Ed Damar and Wad Medani - as well as many small rural villages. The region is blessed with incredible natural beauty including riverbanks lined with palm trees and fertile land that has sustained humans since prehistoric times.

Al Jazirah offers a variety of attractions for tourists to explore. The ancient ruins at Meroe are especially noteworthy; over 200 pyramids lie scattered across the desert sands here, each offering insight into the lives and times of early Nubian inhabitants. Similarly, Matariya Island on the banks of the Blue Nile is an important archaeological site where many remains from royal fortresses have been uncovered.

For those seeking a more contemporary experience, there are plenty of activities such as camel rides or wildlife safaris in nearby protected areas like Deriba Caldera Nature Reserve or Gebel Elba National Park.

An interesting historical fact about Al Jazirah Province is that it was part of Ethiopia until 1961 when it became part of Sudan following a referendum vote by local people in favour or joining Sudanese sovereignty instead.

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