Visit Blue Nile

The Blue Nile Region, located in the East of Sudan, is renowned for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. It is home to several national parks and protected areas such as Dinder National Park, which contains one of Sudan's largest elephant populations. The region also boasts over 30 archaeological sites from the historic Kingdom of Kush - these include the Pyramids of Meroe, an ancient city that was once a major trading hub in Africa.

Visitors to Blue Nile will find plenty to explore with two main tourist attractions being Jebel Barkal - an ancient temple complex with a commanding view atop a mountain near Karima Town - and Sennar Dam - an impressive dam on the Blue Nile River that was built in 1925 during British colonial rule.

For those interested in history there is also much to discover; including many stories detailing how British explorer Nile Burton mapped out sections of the river during his surveys between 1864-1866. He also identified Lake No - which would later become known as Lake Nasser - and named it after Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser who commissioned its completion in 1970.

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Cities in Blue Nile

Ed Damazin, Kurmuk, Ad-Damazin, Ar Ruseris