Visit Brokopondo

15.9 thousand

The Brokopondo of Suriname are an indigenous people located in the northeast of the country. They live mainly in villages along the banks of the Brokopondo Reservoir, where they subsist on traditional subsistence activities such as fishing and hunting. Visitors to this region can experience a traditional way of life by visiting one of the villages and taking part in some cultural activities.

A popular tourist attraction is Brownberg Nature Reserve, located near Brokopondo town. This reserve enables visitors to explore its diverse flora and fauna, with guided tours also available. For those looking for a bit more adventure, they can take part in boat trips or go camping within the reserve itself.

An interesting historical fact about this tribe is that they were involved in an armed conflict between Suriname's government forces and members of rebel group Jungle Commando from 1986-1992. This conflict led to numerous casualties among its people which ultimately led to a peace agreement between both parties signed in 1992.

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Cities in Brokopondo

Brokopondo, Brownsweg