Visit Tongatapu

Tongatapu is an island located in the South Pacific nation of Tonga. It is the largest and most populated island in the archipelago, home to over 70% of Tonga's population. Its lush tropical rainforest, crystal clear turquoise waters, white sand beaches and coral reefs make it a paradise for tourists. Popular attractions on Tongatapu include the Royal Palace built by King Tupou I in 1867 and Ha'amonga 'a Maui Trilithon - a giant stone gateway with three huge limestone slabs connected by two huge pillars thought to have been built between 1250-1500 CE. For nature lovers, there are several parks including Hufangalupe Reserve with its amazing birdlife, Kolovai Beach with its white sand beach and turquoise ocean or Mapu 'A Vaea Blowholes - dramatic geyser-like jets of sea spray. A visit to Tongatapu will provide you with a chance to experience authentic Polynesian culture while exploring beautiful landscapes and fascinating historical sites.

Cities in Tongatapu

Kolonga, Vaini, Haveluloto