Visit Ben Arous Governorate

The Ben Arous Governorate is a small coastal region of Tunisia located just south of the capital, Tunis. It borders the Mediterranean Sea and is home to the world-class port of La Goulette. The area offers many attractions for visitors such as its beautiful beaches, lush countryside and traditional Tunisian culture. Visitors can take in a variety of activities including diving, sailing, windsurfing and sunbathing on its beaches or explore the ancient ruins at El Jem or Dougga.

The Ben Arous Governorate has a rich history stretching back to Roman times when it was part of an important trading port known as Hadrumetum. During this period it was also home to one of the largest Jewish communities in the world with an estimated population between 40-50 thousand Jews living there at its peak. There are still some remnants from this era today such as old synagogues which can be visited and appreciated by tourists with an interest in history.

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Cities in Ben Arous Governorate

Hammam Lif, Ben Arous, Radès