Visit Republic of Karakalpakstan

1.8 million

Karakalpakstan is an autonomous republic located in western Uzbekistan. This fascinating region has a rich cultural heritage with deep roots that extend back to the ancient Silk Road. Karakalpakstan has many tourist attractions, from historical sites to natural wonders and stunning landscapes. One of the must-see attractions is the unique Amu Darya Delta, which stretches across miles of pristine landscape and provides a glimpse into this region's past. Another popular destination is Moynaq, an abandoned city featuring rusting ship remains as testament to its previous importance as a major port on the Aral Sea. Additionally, tourists can explore ancient archaeological sites like Toprak Kala and Ayaz Qala for a chance to view some of the oldest structures in all of Central Asia. An interesting historical fact about Karakalpakstan is that it was once part of Khorezm Khanate until it was annexed by Russia during the 19th century before becoming part of Uzbekistan after their independence from Russia in 1991.

Cities in Republic of Karakalpakstan

Manghit, Beruniy, Oltinko’l, Khŭjayli, Nukus