Visit Bolívar

Venezuela's Bolivar is a mighty symbol of the country's history and culture. It is named after Simon Bolivar, an iconic Venezuelan military leader who fought for independence from Spanish colonial rule. The currency has undergone numerous reforms over its long history, making it one of the oldest currencies in South America.

The current circulation of the Bolivar includes coins with denominations ranging from one tenth to fifty centimos as well as paper banknotes ranging from two bolivares to 100 or even 500 bolivares depending on denomination.

When visiting Venezuela, be sure to take time out to explore its vibrant capital city Caracas - home to a wealth of interesting attractions including Plaza Bolivar, which celebrates Simon Bolivar himself and features his statue surrounded by other national heroes' monuments. Other must-see tourist locations include El Avila National Park where you can admire stunning views across Lake Valencia or catch a cable car ride up Mount Avila for even more breathtaking scenery.

An intriguing historical fact about Venezuela's currency relates to its name: although it is currently called 'bolivar', it was formerly known as 'peso' between 1871 and 1908 when it was changed overnight in honor of Simon Bolivar on his 100th birthday!

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