Visit Saba Region

Dhi Na'im

The Saba region is an area in Yemen located in the western part of the country. It is made up of five provinces, including Amran, Al-Jawf, Sana'a, Dhamar and Ma'rib.

Saba is known for its stunning mountain range, providing spectacular views and many opportunities for hiking and outdoor activities. Tourists can also visit the archaeological sites of Marib Dam and Al Hodayda Castle to learn about Yemen's rich history. Additionally, there are plenty of parks throughout Saba to explore as well as local markets offering food and souvenirs.

One interesting historical fact about Saba is that it was once a powerful kingdom that controlled much of what is now modern day Yemen between 1100BC - 275AD when it was eventually taken over by Aksumite Empire from Ethiopia. Visitors today can still explore remnants from this era such as The Temple of Almaqah which dates back to 8th century BC or visit Wadi Dawan which was a major trading route during the times of King Solomon in Israel.

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