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Miami Beach

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1 review

Beach ~ 3 hours

Miami Beach, located in the charming city of Oistins, Barbados, is a must-visit destination for beach lovers. Known for its sparkling turquoise waters, soft white sands, and a tranquil atmosphere, it offers an idyllic setting for relaxation and enjoyment. The beach is lined with lush green trees providing ample shade, making it a perfect spot for picnicking and sunbathing.

While visiting Miami Beach, one should not miss the vibrant Oistins Fish Market, where fresh catch is sold every day. The market transforms into a lively spot on Friday nights, offering a glimpse into the local culture with its famous “Fish Fry”, a must-experience culinary delight. Another attraction is the nearby Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary, a peaceful refuge for native wildlife and a great place for bird-watching. These attractions, coupled with the serene beauty of Miami Beach, offer an immersive Barbadian experience.

Reply - Like 1 year ago


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