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Place des Jacobins

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Point of Interest

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Point of Interest

Place des Jacobins - 69002 Lyon 2ème

Place des Jacobins is a renowned square located in the heart of Lyon, France. Known for its beautiful and intricate fountain, it is a must-visit spot for tourists and locals alike. The square is surrounded by the charming architecture of the city, with several cafes and shops in the vicinity, making it a vibrant and lively area.

The centerpiece of the square is the Jacobins Fountain, a stunning piece of art dating back to the 19th century. The fountain, with its four statues representing famous Lyonnais artists, is a sight to behold, especially when illuminated at night. Nearby, you can also visit the Theatre des Celestins, one of the oldest theatres in France, adding a touch of historical charm to your visit.

Plan your visit

  1. Make sure to explore the area and appreciate the architecture - Place des Jacobins has some of the most beautiful historic structures in Lyon.
  2. Visit at night to witness a spectacular light show with hundreds of lit candles arranged around a central fountain in the centre of Place des Jacobins.
  3. Take part in one of many events held throughout the year, such as live music performances and cultural activities like book readings or art exhibitions.
  4. Be sure to check out local cafes nearby for a great selection of traditional French food and drinks while enjoying the atmosphere at Place des Jacobins.
  5. Stay alert for pickpockets, as it can be crowded during popular times - remember to keep your belongings secure wherever possible!

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