Visit Istog

Istog is a small city in Kosovo located at the northern end of Metohija Valley. It has a rich cultural heritage, with numerous ancient monuments, churches and monasteries. The most famous monument is St Mary's Church, which dates back to the 12th century and was declared a National Monument in 2010.

For tourists looking for something to do, there are plenty of options! Nature lovers will enjoy visiting the many hiking trails around Istog or exploring nearby villages like Donji Dobric where they can take in stunning views of the valley. Those interested in religious history should visit Gracanica Monastery, one of Serbia's most important cultural sites and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Istog also has its own unique history that sets it apart from other places in Kosovo; it was originally part of Serbia until 1389 when it became Serbian-ruled again after centuries under Ottoman rule. This makes Istog an interesting place to explore for anyone interested in learning about regional conflicts and politics.

Cities in Istog
